Keep Your Commercial Property Valuations Up-to-Date
McLean Gladstone Valuers are the specialists for commercial property valuations, ranging from commercial buildings to industrial warehouses to rural properties.
With our depth of experience in commercial property valuations, we have the expertise and a wide range of market research on hand to assist with any valuation.
Market rent reviews in a lease enable the rental to be varied to reflect changes in the market between the date on which the lease commenced or the rent was last reviewed and the relevant review date subject to the terms and conditions of that lease.
In assessing market rent, the valuer considers the most appropriate evidence in the market place.
The best evidence is generally rentals which have been agreed in comparable tenancies, at the relevant date, date with vacant possession (i.e new lettings between arm-length parties), and in particular, where the use is the same or a substantially similar use as the permitted use under the lease.
In the event of a dispute between a lessor and lessee, a valuer may be instructed or appointed to undertake an independent determination of the rental value of the premises held under the terms of an actual lease.
Depending on the requirements of the lease, a Valuer may be appointed to undertake an independent determination by acting as an Expert or as an Arbitrator.
What Sets Us Apart When You Need an Insurance Valuation for Property
To help you understand what sets us apart from our competitors when you need a house valuation for insurance purposes, here’s what we believe keeps us a step ahead:
We bring more than 70 years of experience to the table, so you know you’ll deal with veterans when you choose us. We know the process like the backs of our hands and will always provide efficient service.
We are SA based and understand the area’s market, unlike any other. We can provide accurate reports based on location as well as your property to ensure you get the valuation results you deserve.
We also provide our services for development, matrimonial, commercial, retail, insurance, legal, retirement- or deceased estate valuations and more.
When you get your insurance valuation for a property, you want to ensure you get it from professionals that have been around the block. We offer more than 70 years of experience, an excellent understanding of the SA area, and valuation services for a wide range of buildings. Choosing us will always be an excellent choice.

The Importance of Using an Insurance Valuation for Property
Understanding why a house valuation for insurance purposes is essential is the first step to making the right decisions, which is why we put together a few quick tips to help you:
Getting your home valued before you take out insurance is the best way to ensure your home is not underinsured should something unexpected occur. Few things are more frustrating than realising you could have done something about a low insurance pay-out beforehand.
It is the best way to ensure your insurance stays up to date. Getting your home valued once is good for insurance, but you will no doubt add on to your home over time. Whether this is in the form of building or refurbishing, you should always get valuations after significant changes to ensure everything is relevant and up to date.
It shows potential future buyers that you took pride in your home and looked after it well. When you make sure that the correct team handles your insurance valuation, it helps not only you but anyone buying the house from you in the future.
About Us and Our Services for a House Valuation for Insurance Purposes
Started in the mid-1950s as R.M Gladstone Pty Ltd., a name change occurred in the late 1980s that would solidify our business’s goals and operations going forward. We provide a personalised service to all our clients to ensure they get the accurate valuations they deserve.
Call us today and get reliable reports from a business with more than seven decades of experience.
Commercial Valuation Fees
McLean Gladstone Valuers offers comprehensive commercial valuation and market valuation services, across Adelaide and South Australia.
Commercial valuation fees are competitive and are quoted on an individual basis. The final quote will depend on the type of commercial property to be valued and the individual report requirements. There may also be special considerations such as retrospective valuations.
What sets us apart from our competition? We bring more than 70 years of experience to the table, so you know you’ll deal with senior experienced valuers who always provide an accurate and efficient service.
Based in South Australia, we understand the nuances of the real estate markets across the state, unlike any other. We can provide accurate reports based on location as well as your property, to ensure you get the valuation results you deserve.
Commercial Valuation Reports
An in-depth report for a commercial property valuation will come with a detailed assessment of the property and locations, as well as a snapshot of the current real estate market in South Australia.
Commercial property valuations are based on defined valuation criteria - of which we are experts in analysing. The information we use for valuation includes the location, dimensions and topography of the land and buildings, planning and zoning considerations, and income-producing potential. Other factors such as state of repair and condition, occupational health and safety, and tenancy may be considered.
Rent Reviews for Rental Properties
Rent reviews are a type of commercial property valuation and advisory service. With a rent review, a rental property on a lease can have the rent payable adjusted in an ongoing way. The rental agreement can be updated to reflect any changes in the real estate market that occurred between the date on which the lease commenced (or the rent was last reviewed) and the relevant review date.
Any changes to the lease will be subject to the terms and conditions of that lease. Usually, the landlord and tenant must have agreed in the lease for the rent to be reviewed.
Rent reviews are usually undertaken at an agreed date as part of the lease agreement for a rental property. They are also undertaken during vacant possession.
Building Construction Valuations
Building construction valuations are a specialised area of commercial property valuations. We can provide an accurate on-completion value of a property, based on detailed plans and specifications provided, which can assist in finance or to assess the market rental prior to putting the property up for lease.
Building construction valuations involve an on-site inspection and a detailed review of the construction drawings and specifications. The construction contract is also reviewed, as well as any variations to the contract. This process enables an accurate assessment of the on-completion valuation.
Property Insurance Valuations
Commercial property insurance valuations provide certified valuation reports for insurance purposes. With an accurate report on the replacement value of a commercial property, experienced property valuers provide the information to ensure the property is not underinsured.
As a certified commercial property valuer, McLean Gladstone Valuers are fully qualified to supply insurance valuations in Australia.