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Deceased Estates: Probate, Wills

  • Deceased Estates and Probate Property valuations should be dealt with in a professional manner as they can be sensitive matters.

  • This valuation is required to assist in managing Estate's assets appropriately and can eliminate misunderstanding and disputes between beneficiaries (generally family members) as well as allowing for tax liabilities to be assessed.

  • In the case of deceased estate, an executor must obtain a "Grant of Probate", allowing the property title to then be amended at the Land Registry office.

  • An independent valuation will determine fair market value of the property as at the date of death or for pre sale purposes. Knowing what the subject property is worth is fully advisable before entering into negotiations with family or real estate agents.

  • Therefore, it is recommended that prior to selling or transferring the subject property, a Valuer should be engaged to determined fair market value. 

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